kometbomb / klystrack

A chiptune tracker
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Possibility for resolution/pixel between 1x1 - 2x2 #210

Open DeltaRazero opened 7 years ago

DeltaRazero commented 7 years ago

My screen isn't the biggest, but it's not the smallest either, 1x1 appears too small, but 2x2 appears a bit too big, Would it be possible to have something like 1.5x1.5 ?

kometbomb commented 7 years ago

This is of course possible to add but it won't be pretty!

DeltaRazero commented 7 years ago

Mmmh, then I'm not entirely sure about it then. I'll have to see how ugly it would look, before I can judge though.

Since I'm commenting here right now, is it possible to save preferences in another file (.ini for example), since when it crashes it resets all preferences, atleast for me.

(Also not trying to be demanding with things here, so I hope I'm not too cocky haha)

kometbomb commented 7 years ago

Uneven pixels make text a bit hard to read for me at least.

Klystrack should not reset settings (if you have at some point saved them before the crash). I would rather fix the bug that causes any crashes rather than add separate config backup. :) Please create a new issue if you find something that seems to crash the software (you can be cocky if you put the demands in their own issues. ;)

DeltaRazero commented 7 years ago

Ok will do!

bryc commented 6 years ago

you could add a blending method like bi-linear/bi-cubic to soften it.

Or an anti-aliased scaling shader such as this:

uniform sampler2D texture;

varying vec2 uv;

void main(){
    vec2 size = textureSize(texture);
    vec2 puv = uv*size;

    vec2 hfw = 0.5*fwidth(puv);
    vec2 fl = floor(puv - 0.5) + 0.5;

    vec2 nnn = (fl + smoothstep(0.5 - hfw, 0.5 + hfw, puv - fl))/size;
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, nnn);