kometbomb / klystrack

A chiptune tracker
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Make sure the base argument of pow is positive to not return nan #266

Closed ngeiswei closed 5 years ago

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

Otherwise it may randomly create outlier taps at the tail of the reverb with abnormally large gains.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

The lower bound on the gain could probably be lower, in order to keep the decay going. On the other hand at that level it's probably not perceptible anyway.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

BTW, if you wish to reproduce the problem in question, since I haven't created an issue for it, set a low reverb room size, decay and volume, click SET and these outliers will appear. It's not really annoying but I thought it would look more polished if fixed.