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Klystrack snap can't create dotfiles #302

Open illettante opened 2 years ago

illettante commented 2 years ago

Debian 11, 23 bit i386 Installed Klystrack from Snap, getting the following errors on launch:

MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
shm_open() failed: Permission denied
shm_open() failed: Permission denied

and the following on exit

[WARNING] Could not write config (~/.klystrack)
[WARNING] Could not write favorites (/home/β–ˆβ–ˆ/.klystrackfavorites
[WARNING] Could not save recent file list

The MESA-LOADER issue mightn't be related to file permissions, but the others seem to be related to snap's sandboxing. The config, favourites and recents issue is because (according to google 😜) even with the :home plug, snaps can't read hidden files, that would require the :personal-files plug. Not sure about the shm_open, i don't know anything about shared memory access and it was too complicated for me to understand even superficially with google. Apparently you could also apply to snapcraft for klystrack to have 'classic' confinement, but who knows what the process there is, it sounds hard.