kometchtech / docker-build

personal docker build for armhf and aarch64
15 stars 5 forks source link

[knot-resolver] keyfile '/etc/knot-resolver/root.keys': doesn't exist, bootstrapping #7

Open kometchtech opened 5 years ago

kometchtech commented 5 years ago



[ ta ] keyfile '/etc/knot-resolver/root.keys': doesn't exist, bootstrapping                                      
/usr/local/lib/kdns_modules/trust_anchors.lua:503: [ ta ] fetch of "https://data.iana.org/root-anchors/root-anchors.xml" failed: temporary failure in name resolution                                                             
[ ta ] Failed to bootstrap root trust anchors; see:                                                              
[system] bind to 'fe80::42:acff:fe16:a@53' Invalid argument                                                      
[system] bind to 'fe80::42:acff:fe16:a@53' Invalid argument                                                      
[system] bind to 'fe80::42:acff:fe16:a@53' Invalid argument                                                      
[system] bind to 'fe80::42:acff:fe16:a@53' Invalid argument                                                      
[system] bind to 'fe80::42:acff:fe16:a@53' Invalid argument                                                      
[system] bind to 'fe80::42:acff:fe16:a@53' Invalid argument                                                      
/usr/local/lib/kdns_modules/trust_anchors.lua:503: [ ta ] fetch of "https://data.iana.org/root-anchors/root-anchors.xml" failed: temporary failure in name resolution                                                             
[ ta ] Failed to bootstrap root trust anchors; see:                                                              
[ ta ] keyfile '/etc/knot-resolver/root.keys': doesn't exist, bootstrapping