komorra / NodeEditorWinforms

Node based user control / editor for Windows Forms
MIT License
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Autoscroll Doesn't Seem to work #7

Open jgreenpea opened 6 years ago

jgreenpea commented 6 years ago

Great library. I found it very quick and generally easy to use. One thing that doesn't seem to work, though is the AutoScroll property of the control. If you make the control anchored inside a form, and then you change the size of the form, its easy to lose your nodes by shrinking the control. It seems like there's no good way to navigate the control "canvas". Normally, this would be handled by the autoscroll property. Unless, I'm maybe using it wrong.

komorra commented 6 years ago

If I'm understand correctly the situation, you probably should put the node editor control inside a panel, and then set that panel property AutoScroll to true. The Panel could be anchored or docked to the form.

jgreenpea commented 6 years ago

My problem is with the nodes inside the nodecontrol itself. Just create a node inside the nodecontrol, then slide it so it goes outside of the main nodecontrol. I would expect scrollbars to show up with Autoscroll on the nodecontrol set to true. As it is, I can slide a node outside of the nodecontrol and there is no way to get it back. If scrollbars showed up in this case, then I could navigate around my node graph and get to the offscreen node. image image

BenDerPan commented 3 years ago

@komorra thx for this project, same problem with scroll feature

DevelopingJohnny commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

i'm a newby on GitHub and only a hobbiest programmer.

@komorra Awesome Project!! May i'm allowed to generate a new Branch?

I would like to create a Universal Node Editor IDE for text-based languages (like PHP & HTML). Where you can import any Project & it generates there nodes itself.

Currently i managed to add some Features:


Best regards DevelopingJohnny ;D


komorra commented 3 years ago

Hi @DevelopingJohnny , thanks, I would prefer for you to fork this project instead of creating branch. Some of features, that you've mentioned I'm working currently on (but not so fast, because of having very little time for it).

Currently there are two branches master and v1.1, so upcoming features will be some time on v1.1.

If I undersand you correctly, are you planing to make some node based programming approach for writing in PHP/HTML without coding? It sounds interesting!

DevelopingJohnny commented 3 years ago

Hey @komorra, thanks your quick response.

Sure i'll do fork this project, have to reseach it. xD

If I undersand you correctly, are you planing to make some node based programming approach for writing in PHP/HTML without coding? It sounds interesting!

Yeah you understood it correctly. It should be a combination with nodes & Coding ^^, to keep an overview of you Website/Project.

Samma2009 commented 10 months ago

Hello everyone,

i'm a newby on GitHub and only a hobbiest programmer.

@komorra Awesome Project!! May i'm allowed to generate a new Branch?

I would like to create a Universal Node Editor IDE for text-based languages (like PHP & HTML). Where you can import any Project & it generates there nodes itself.

Currently i managed to add some Features:

  • Zoom in & out - Limited to 0.2f and 3.0f (can be changed in Source Code)
  • Move Projekt-Plane with Nodes (can be moved outside Viewport) - Limited to int size
  • Adding Scrolling with MouseWheel (+horizontal Scroll with ShiftKey pressed)


  • Debugging - weird moving Plane behavior while pageScale/Zoom != 1.0f Solved
  • Improvment: Draw Only Nodes & Connections those are in Viewport
  • Adding AutoScroll as Thread named
  • To learn how creating my own Nodes does work o.O
  • Removing default grid Image at top left corner xD

Best regards DevelopingJohnny ;D

rK0jTFLMke rK0jTFLMke

hi, is it possible to see how you did you make this