komposable / komponent

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Return values from component with yield #93

Closed nicolas-brousse closed 6 years ago

nicolas-brousse commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to create a component to have a form container. And so use yield to pass the form helper to the view from the component.
So I did the following.

# app/views/post/_form.html.slim

= c "form", model: @post, local: true do |f|
    = f.label :name
    = f.text_field :name
# frontend/components/form/_form.html.slim

= form_with(model: @model, local: @local) do |form|
    = yield(form)

But I got this error : ActionView::Template::Error (undefined methodlabel' for nil:NilClass)`.

I tried to print the content of form or f. I have the form helper object inside the container, but in the view f is nil.

Does the block inside the view is rendered before the component?

florentferry commented 6 years ago

Hello @nicolas-brousse,

You can't do that now, but we can introduce this behavior.

You can override the component helper in your own project by defining a custom component helper in your app/helpers/pplication_helper.rb:

  def component(component_name, locals = {}, options = {}, &block)
    captured_block = proc { |args| capture(args, &block) } if block_given?
  alias :c :component
nicolas-brousse commented 6 years ago

Thanks @florentferry.
It works for me.

It could be nice to have it implemented inside Komponent 😃