kompot / nhl-tv-geeky-streams

Best way to download NHL games. NHL.TV, NHL LIVE, or WatchESPN account is required.
MIT License
35 stars 7 forks source link

Error not show the games #75

Open Redmax87 opened 7 months ago

Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript: src/index.ts:5:24 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'yargs' or its corresponding type declarations.

5 import * as yargs from "yargs";

    at createTSError (/app/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:513:12)
    at reportTSError (/app/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:517:19)
    at getOutput (/app/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:752:36)
    at Object.compile (/app/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:968:32)
    at Module.m._compile (/app/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1056:42)
    at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.<computed> [as .ts] (/app/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1059:12)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
rseanhall commented 7 months ago

Have you followed the instructions in the readme? The recommended way to run this project is through Docker so you know you're using a good configuration and can avoid these kinds of errors.

Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

Configuration is good, user and password, I don't know they not show me the games.

rseanhall commented 7 months ago

Sorry, I was talking about the machine configuration not the app's configuration. I only use Docker. If you are not using Docker, I can't help you.

Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

I use docker, what configuration neded?

rseanhall commented 7 months ago

Try running docker compose build --no-cache to rebuild the image. If that fixes it for you, I probably should add that step to the readme when people pull the latest code.

Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

I do this but I have error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 422 at settle (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:19:12) at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:585:11) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:526:35) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:domain:488:12) at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1408:12) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) { code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST' error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command This error after hit the game Toronto vs Minnesota.

rseanhall commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure what's wrong. I don't have any issues with Toronto vs Minnesota. I thought that it printed a huge wall of text when there are HTTP errors like that. It would be helpful to know what URL it was trying to send to. And it looks like 422 is an error code that means we sent bad data so it would also help to know the payload that it was trying to post. You might also want to try logging in to their website with the username and password from the config.yaml to see whether that works.

Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

I login to nhl.com with my account choise Vegas vs Pittsburg but after hit HOME feed I have these errors: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 422 at settle (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:19:12) at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:585:11) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:526:35) at IncomingMessage.emit (node:domain:488:12) at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1408:12) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) { code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST', config: { transitional: { silentJSONParsing: true, forcedJSONParsing: true, clarifyTimeoutError: false }, adapter: [ 'xhr', 'http' ], transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ], transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ], timeout: 0, xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', maxContentLength: -1, maxBodyLength: -1, env: { FormData: [Function], Blob: [class Blob] }, validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus], headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] { Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'nhltv/0.27.2', 'Content-Length': '2', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, compress, deflate, br' }, baseURL: 'https://nhltv.nhl.com/api', url: '/v3/sso/nhl/login', data: '{}', method: 'post' }, request: <ref 1> ClientRequest { _events: [Object: null prototype] { abort: [Function (anonymous)], aborted: [Function (anonymous)], connect: [Function (anonymous)], error: [Function (anonymous)], socket: [Function (anonymous)], timeout: [Function (anonymous)], finish: [Function: requestOnFinish] }, _eventsCount: 7, _maxListeners: undefined, outputData: [], outputSize: 0, writable: true, destroyed: false, _last: false, chunkedEncoding: false, shouldKeepAlive: false, maxRequestsOnConnectionReached: false, _defaultKeepAlive: true, useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true, sendDate: false, _removedConnection: false, _removedContLen: false, _removedTE: false, strictContentLength: false, _contentLength: '2', _hasBody: true, _trailer: '', finished: true, _headerSent: true, _closed: false, socket: TLSSocket { _tlsOptions: [Object], _secureEstablished: true, _securePending: false, _newSessionPending: false, _controlReleased: true, secureConnecting: false, _SNICallback: null, servername: 'nhltv.nhl.com', alpnProtocol: false, authorized: true, authorizationError: null, encrypted: true, _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 10, connecting: false, _hadError: false, _parent: null, _host: 'nhltv.nhl.com', _closeAfterHandlingError: false, _readableState: [ReadableState], _maxListeners: undefined, _writableState: [WritableState], allowHalfOpen: false, _sockname: null, _pendingData: null, _pendingEncoding: '', server: undefined, _server: null, ssl: [TLSWrap], _requestCert: true, _rejectUnauthorized: true, timeout: 5000, parser: null, _httpMessage: [Circular 1], autoSelectFamilyAttemptedAddresses: [Array],

  [Symbol(res)]: [TLSWrap],
  [Symbol(verified)]: true,
  [Symbol(pendingSession)]: null,
  [Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 216,
  [Symbol(kHandle)]: [TLSWrap],
  [Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
  [Symbol(timeout)]: [Timeout],
  [Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
  [Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
  [Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
  [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
  [Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: false,
  [Symbol(kSetKeepAlive)]: true,
  [Symbol(kSetKeepAliveInitialDelay)]: 60,
  [Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
  [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
  [Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object]
_header: 'POST /api/v3/sso/nhl/login HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
  'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n' +
  'Content-Type: application/json\r\n' +
  'User-Agent: nhltv/0.27.2\r\n' +
  'Content-Length: 2\r\n' +
  'Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress, deflate, br\r\n' +
  'Host: nhltv.nhl.com\r\n' +
  'Connection: keep-alive\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: nop],
agent: Agent {
  _events: [Object: null prototype],
  _eventsCount: 2,
  _maxListeners: undefined,
  defaultPort: 443,
  protocol: 'https:',
  options: [Object: null prototype],
  requests: [Object: null prototype] {},
  sockets: [Object: null prototype],
  freeSockets: [Object: null prototype] {},
  keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
  keepAlive: true,
  maxSockets: Infinity,
  maxFreeSockets: 256,
  scheduling: 'lifo',
  maxTotalSockets: Infinity,
  totalSocketCount: 1,
  maxCachedSessions: 100,
  _sessionCache: [Object],
  [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'POST',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined,
path: '/api/v3/sso/nhl/login',
_ended: true,
res: IncomingMessage {
  _readableState: [ReadableState],
  _events: [Object: null prototype],
  _eventsCount: 4,
  _maxListeners: undefined,
  socket: [TLSSocket],
  httpVersionMajor: 1,
  httpVersionMinor: 1,
  httpVersion: '1.1',
  complete: true,
  rawHeaders: [Array],
  rawTrailers: [],
  joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined,
  aborted: false,
  upgrade: false,
  url: '',
  method: null,
  statusCode: 422,
  statusMessage: 'Unprocessable Entity',
  client: [TLSSocket],
  _consuming: false,
  _dumped: false,
  req: [Circular *1],
  responseUrl: 'https://nhltv.nhl.com/api/v3/sso/nhl/login',
  redirects: [],
  [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
  [Symbol(kHeaders)]: [Object],
  [Symbol(kHeadersCount)]: 24,
  [Symbol(kTrailers)]: null,
  [Symbol(kTrailersCount)]: 0
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: [Function: emitRequestTimeout],
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: 'nhltv.nhl.com',
protocol: 'https:',
_redirectable: Writable {
  _writableState: [WritableState],
  _events: [Object: null prototype],
  _eventsCount: 3,
  _maxListeners: undefined,
  _options: [Object],
  _ended: true,
  _ending: true,
  _redirectCount: 0,
  _redirects: [],
  _requestBodyLength: 2,
  _requestBodyBuffers: [],
  _onNativeResponse: [Function (anonymous)],
  _currentRequest: [Circular *1],
  _currentUrl: 'https://nhltv.nhl.com/api/v3/sso/nhl/login',
  [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype] {
  accept: [Array],
  'content-type': [Array],
  'user-agent': [Array],
  'content-length': [Array],
  'accept-encoding': [Array],
  host: [Array]
[Symbol(errored)]: null,
[Symbol(kHighWaterMark)]: 16384,
[Symbol(kRejectNonStandardBodyWrites)]: false,
[Symbol(kUniqueHeaders)]: null

}, response: { status: 422, statusText: 'Unprocessable Entity', headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] { 'content-type': 'application/json', server: 'nginx', 'cache-control': 'no-cache, private', 'x-country-code': 'RO', 'content-length': '160', date: 'Mon, 20 Nov 2023 06:03:09 GMT', connection: 'close', 'access-control-expose-headers': 'x-country-code', 'access-control-allow-origin': '', 'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff', 'referrer-policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', 'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload' }, config: { transitional: [Object], adapter: [Array], transformRequest: [Array], transformResponse: [Array], timeout: 0, xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', maxContentLength: -1, maxBodyLength: -1, env: [Object], validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus], headers: [Object [AxiosHeaders]], baseURL: 'https://nhltv.nhl.com/api', url: '/v3/sso/nhl/login', data: '{}', method: 'post' }, request: <ref 1> ClientRequest { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 7, _maxListeners: undefined, outputData: [], outputSize: 0, writable: true, destroyed: false, _last: false, chunkedEncoding: false, shouldKeepAlive: false, maxRequestsOnConnectionReached: false, _defaultKeepAlive: true, useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true, sendDate: false, _removedConnection: false, _removedContLen: false, _removedTE: false, strictContentLength: false, _contentLength: '2', _hasBody: true, _trailer: '', finished: true, _headerSent: true, _closed: false, socket: [TLSSocket], _header: 'POST /api/v3/sso/nhl/login HTTP/1.1\r\n' + 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, /\r\n' + 'Content-Type: application/json\r\n' + 'User-Agent: nhltv/0.27.2\r\n' + 'Content-Length: 2\r\n' + 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress, deflate, br\r\n' + 'Host: nhltv.nhl.com\r\n' + 'Connection: keep-alive\r\n' + '\r\n', _keepAliveTimeout: 0, _onPendingData: [Function: nop], agent: [Agent], socketPath: undefined, method: 'POST', maxHeaderSize: undefined, insecureHTTPParser: undefined, joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined, path: '/api/v3/sso/nhl/login', _ended: true, res: [IncomingMessage], aborted: false, timeoutCb: [Function: emitRequestTimeout], upgradeOrConnect: false, parser: null, maxHeadersCount: null, reusedSocket: false, host: 'nhltv.nhl.com', protocol: 'https:', _redirectable: [Writable],

  [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
  [Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
  [Symbol(corked)]: 0,
  [Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype],
  [Symbol(errored)]: null,
  [Symbol(kHighWaterMark)]: 16384,
  [Symbol(kRejectNonStandardBodyWrites)]: false,
  [Symbol(kUniqueHeaders)]: null
data: {
  message: 'The email field is required. (and 1 more error)',
  errors: [Object]

} } error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

rseanhall commented 7 months ago

Looks like you haven't put your email and password in the config:

data: {
message: 'The email field is required. (and 1 more error)',
errors: [Object]
Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

specify your NHL.TV account email

email: johndoe@gmail.com

email: robert-jahn...

and password

password: johnDoesNhlTvPassword

password: Ko.... I put email and password, maybe error I have because I use Smart DNS?

rseanhall commented 7 months ago

It looks like I did a breaking change to the config.yaml a while ago. You should probably copy yours as a backup, download the latest in the repo, and update the new one with your information. It is not email and password, it is emailNhltv and passwordNhltv.

Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

Same error after hit HOME feed or any feed game. [URL=https://imageban.ru][IMG]https://i6.imageban.ru/out/2023/11/20/8e4ffec8ae1381aaf1375955555ac2d9.png[/IMG][/URL]

rseanhall commented 7 months ago

If you have a config.yaml file in the same folder as docker-compose.yml, and it has the email and password in it like this, then I don't know how to help you. It is working for everyone else.

# specify your NHL.TV account email
# emailNhltv: johndoe@gmail.com
emailNhltv: youremail@something.com
# and password
# passwordNhltv: johnDoesNhlTvPassword
passwordNhltv: yourpassword
Redmax87 commented 7 months ago

I have both in same folder https://imageban.ru/show/2023/11/20/087ece28c13cc9fed5bb881c588e4f86/png

Today working, bizarre, I don't anything.