komputing / KHash

Different hash functions in Kotlin (SHA3 with Keccak and Shake variants, sha256, ripemd160)
MIT License
53 stars 13 forks source link

Support for Kotlin Native - SHA256 #24

Open BierDav opened 1 year ago

BierDav commented 1 year ago

As the title already suggests, this is a feature request to get also the sha256 package for native so that it becomes truly multiplatform

luca992 commented 1 year ago

I made a pr a while ago #23. They haven't replied 🙃

published the artifacts in that forked repo here:

maven {
    name = "luca992/KHash GitHub Packages"
    url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/luca992/KHash")
    credentials {
        username = "token"
        // see: https://github.community/t/download-from-github-package-registry-without-authentication/14407/44
        password =
val commonMain by getting {
    dependencies {
ligi commented 1 year ago

oh sorry - missed this one - will have a look now