komrad36 / LATCH

Fastest CPU implementation of the LATCH 512-bit binary feature descriptor; fully scale- and rotation-invariant
MIT License
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LATCH input keypoint size for patch-based datasets #8

Open fb82 opened 5 years ago

fb82 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I would like to test LATCH with patch-based datasets like HPatches.

Since I have image file of 64x64 patches (like here http://matthewalunbrown.com/patchdata/liberty.bmp) I resampled patches to have a diameter of (24+3)*2+1=55, where 3 is the radius of the 7x7 sub-patches used by LATCH and 24 is the radius of the LATCH search window (from -24 to 24). When providing to LATCH the input keypoint size, I divide this value by 7, i.e. 55/7=7.85, since inside the code LATCH multiplies by 1/7. Am I doing right ?

Thank in advance for your reply!