kon-rad / InLightiOS

InLight Meditation iOS app
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reduce image sizes #3

Open paulz opened 2 years ago

paulz commented 2 years ago

list images by size:

cd InLightMeditation/Assets.xcassets
du -sh -- * | sort -rh


too large:

16M bg-clouds.imageset 6.7M timer_bg.imageset 4.4M bg-leaves.imageset 3.3M bg-plant.imageset 1.4M bg-sunset.imageset 1.4M AppIcons 1.0M plant_gradient.imageset 904K AppIcon.appiconset 348K logo_with_name.imageset 200K logo.imageset

good small sizes:

108K headline.imageset 64K bg-twilight.imageset 48K Colors 28K sitting_posture.imageset 16K meditation_icon.imageset 8.0K volume-up-line.imageset 8.0K user_icon.imageset 8.0K user-delete.imageset 8.0K sound_off.imageset 8.0K signout.imageset 8.0K menu.imageset 8.0K edit.imageset 4.0K Contents.json 4.0K AccentColor.colorset

  1. save photographic images as JPEG with good compression, as those images will look the same
  2. reduce image size to be not larger than 1000 px in either dimension

this allows app size to be much smaller. Smaller app -> faster downloads -> more downloads see: https://segment.com/blog/mobile-app-size-effect-on-downloads/

paulz commented 2 years ago

on iPad images would scale up and backgrounds in JPEG would still look good