konclude / Konclude

Konclude: A parallel, tableau-based, high-performance reasoner for the Description Logic SROIQV(D)/the Web Ontology Language (OWL) 2 DL
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some (sub)commands hang since v0.6.2-927 #7

Open jonassmedegaard opened 4 years ago

jonassmedegaard commented 4 years ago

These commands complete succesfully:

Konclude -h
owllinkfile -c Configs/default-config.xml -i Tests/test-request.xml -o test-response-cfg.xml

These, however, hangs when built with QT -= gui:

Konclude satisfiability -i Tests/galen.owl.xml -x http://ex.test/galen#ExternalIliacVein
Konclude classification -w AUTO -i Tests/roberts-family-full-D.owl.xml -o test-response-class.xml

This issue seems to have appeared only since release v0.6.2-927.