Closed Tintin-Asterix closed 4 years ago
For 16:9, I'd set the FOV to 106.25. There'd probably be a bit of work to scale it I'd imagine.
I've noticed this behavior before but I decided to leave it as it is, since I want to retain as much compatibility with the original game behavior as possible (unless it's a game breaking problem or something I broke ;) ). Fixing problems like these is also a bit beyond the scope of this project but I'm always open to Pull Requests if you feel like fiddling with this.
The gun model position scales with the horizonal size, it should stay the same (at least there should be an option toggle this behaviour). Running the game in 21:9 aspect ratio is even worse, the gun model can hardly be seen.
Yamagi doesn't do this, it preserves the position no matter how wide the FOV or screen is. In Yamagi is the model not tied to the FOV value?
Screenshots taken at 90 FOV.
Yamagi retains gun position in super wide: