konektaz / where-is-when-is

Geodjango bootstrap integration
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Reverse geocode the OSM locations #114

Open konektaz opened 11 years ago

konektaz commented 11 years ago

This will give us the level of information that Nadeem exposed on the hackday.

konektaz commented 11 years ago

This script needs to be updated: https://github.com/konekta/where-is-when-is/blob/master/world/management/commands/osm_import.py as it need to update if the item is already in DB.

And new script needs to be created, i.e. https://github.com/konekta/where-is-when-is/blob/master/world/management/commands/osm_reverse_geocode.py (does not exist yet) which will do reverse geocoding against: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Reverse%5FGeocoding%5F.2F%5FAddress%5Flookup