[ ] Develop a function to allow users to find the nearest healthcare facilities based on their current location. Desktop users should be able to interact with a fullscreen map and be presented with information on the various locations near them, including their distance from that location. Essentially, a very similar user-experience to that of Google Maps, but only displaying our health-related Locations.
[ ] We need to allow specific clients to have access to subdomains (e.g. client-a.konektaz.info) which offers the same Location/Distance functions on a fullscreen map, but which only displays Locations specific to their requirements. This will mean that the client subdomains use the search app functions, but with a specified range of Locations.
On viewing the map, a user should be prompted to allow konektaz to use his/her current location to return the nearest Locations. The user should then be able to hover over the points returned and view information about that Location. The user should also be able to drag a point onto the map to represent his/her current location (probably followed by clicking a Search button). Could we use Ajax here to recalculate without having to click a search button?
Location categories:
public healthcare facilities
NGO healthcare facilities
*private facilities
On viewing the map, a user should be prompted to allow konektaz to use his/her current location to return the nearest Locations. The user should then be able to hover over the points returned and view information about that Location. The user should also be able to drag a point onto the map to represent his/her current location (probably followed by clicking a Search button). Could we use Ajax here to recalculate without having to click a search button?
Location categories:
public healthcare facilities NGO healthcare facilities *private facilities
Tech to consider
Please see @konekta wireframes below:
Home http://redpen.io/5kj6a4
Home search http://redpen.io/5n2b8v
Khayelitsha http://redpen.io/o2nzpk
Sea Point http://redpen.io/esyotu