kongzhecn / OMG

[ECCV 2024] OMG: Occlusion-friendly Personalized Multi-concept Generation In Diffusion Models
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How to Combine with null text inversion ? #10

Closed Adenialzz closed 1 month ago

Adenialzz commented 1 month ago

Hi, I understand OMG extracts attention map (like prompt-to-prompt [1] ) and character mask (by zero-shot segmentor) from the first stage image to realize customized generation. I wonder can we consider to combine OMG with null text inversion [2] to edit real images (just like prompt-to-prompt with null text inversion) ?

[1] Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control [2] Null-text Inversion for Editing Real Images using Guided Diffusion Models