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Freedom of Speech #6

Open dwrolvink opened 5 years ago

dwrolvink commented 5 years ago

@Yatima1460 said:

Freedom of Speech: "hate speech" is completely subjective, pictures could be censored for legal reasons, but words should never be censored, the censoring problem is left to the owner of the node

dwrolvink commented 5 years ago

See my suggestion in https://github.com/konishi-project/konishi/issues/5, if you decentralize the hosting of the content, then imo you shouldn't even have to be worried about serving copyrighted content through the main frontend. Especially autrocious content, like CP, could be banned from the registrar at the CKA, but even then, the DKEs could continue to host it.

I bring up the example of CP, because that is the ultimate test of freedom of speech. If you design a system to have safe guards against any kind of content, even content that everyone agrees with should be eradicated from the face of the earth, then those same safe guards can be used to eradicate other kinds of content.

I think the people from our group are really freethinking and so we'll not have this problem anytime soon. We can have complete power and only ban people for actually heinous content. But in time, and with the possible success of this system, the team will change into a more mainstream team (as you hire outsiders in), and the money trap will want you to avoid any "ad-pocalypse" kind of disasters, and thus policing will increase.

In this case, the DKE's that are unhappy with these changes could just set a new CKA in their backends, and unite under that banner.