koniu / recoll-webui

web interface for recoll desktop search
266 stars 55 forks source link

Installation #7

Closed bedo02 closed 10 years ago

bedo02 commented 11 years ago

Hi, sorry for the newbie question, however I have trouble to run it. 1st. I did install phyton 2.7.5 2nd I've downloaded the zip file and extracted it (in the downloads directory) 3rd I've tried to run in terminal webui-standalone.py and I am getting following message : Failed to execute child process "/home/user/Downloads/recoll/webui-standalone.py" (No such file or directory) Any Idea what I am doing wrong? Recoll is running and successfully indexing..

-> Ubuntu 12.04 & Cinamon

ghost commented 11 years ago

Just in order to get another data point: could you please try to execute it as:

cd /home/user/Downloads/recoll
python2.7 ./webui-standalone.py
bedo02 commented 11 years ago


~/Downloads/recoll$ python2.7 ./webui-standalone.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "./webui-standalone.py", line 3, in import webui File "/home/user/Downloads/recoll/webui.py", line 6, in import recoll ImportError: No module named recoll

... now it seems some module named recoll is missing... do I have the right files? In module itself there are many dependancies, where I am not sure if they are on the pc.

ghost commented 11 years ago


This looks like the recoll 1.19 compatibility problem. It's fixed in the medoc/recoll-webui clone (hopefully the changes will be merged back, but Koniu seems to be currently unavailable). Please try to install the code from the clone.

If you are actually running 1.18, I'm puzzled, but I'd advise to give the updated code a try anyway.



ghost commented 11 years ago

Sorry, that's medoc92/recoll-webui (any way it's the only fork for the original repository).

ghost commented 11 years ago

One more update: the changes from medoc92/recoll-webui have been merged into koniu/recoll-webui. You should use the latest version and we'll take it from there