konkit / AR_ShowMeTheWay

Project created as an assignment for Computer Vision classes.
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Arrow rendering given proper parameters ( rotation mostly) #1

Open konkit opened 8 years ago

konkit commented 8 years ago

Will have to add new type to geometries "Arrow Geometry" - search for it in awe-standard.js

Also this could be helpful - http://learningthreejs.com/blog/2011/10/05/performance-merging-geometry/

konkit commented 8 years ago

Three.js docs - http://threejs.org/docs/

konkit commented 8 years ago

https://buildar.com/awe/tutorials/intro_to_awe.js/index.html#/ - the best awe.js documentation so far ...

konkit commented 8 years ago

Moved to x3dom, implemented