Tentative idea: tapping on star brings down a pane of checkboxes of things to subscribe to. Pane can be dismissed, and subscribing to anything yellows the star. Tapping the star brings down the same pane, to edit the selection.
How does someone follow a person or bill without needing notifications enabled? (i.e. shortcut menu) Possibly this can be ignored, and the concept of subscription-less favorites scrapped.
How do we handle when someone has notifications disabled? Is this a way to guide someone into enabling them? How should this look? How do we not be obnoxious to people who don't have notifications enabled? Possibly: the pane without notifications enabled displays copy and a button to take you to the notification settings screen, or simply turns on notifications in-place.
Tentative idea: tapping on star brings down a pane of checkboxes of things to subscribe to. Pane can be dismissed, and subscribing to anything yellows the star. Tapping the star brings down the same pane, to edit the selection.