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Deploying on ES 5 #181

Closed divergentdave closed 7 years ago

divergentdave commented 7 years ago

This is a follow-up from #177, with nice checkboxes!

divergentdave commented 7 years ago

When the new ES domain came up, it was stuck in "yellow" status. I fired up irb from the working directory on the server and did the following.

> require './config/environment'
> puts Environment.client.cat.shards
.kibana            0 p STARTED    1 3.1kb x.x.x.x 79k86C7
.kibana            0 r UNASSIGNED                       
dashboard          1 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
dashboard          2 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
dashboard          4 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
dashboard          3 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
dashboard          0 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
oversight-20170325 1 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
oversight-20170325 2 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
oversight-20170325 4 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
oversight-20170325 3 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
oversight-20170325 0 p STARTED    0  130b x.x.x.x 79k86C7
 => nil

I tried deleting the .kibana index, since I've never been a big fan of Kibana, but it came back on it's own. I think I'll have to set number_of_replicas to 0 on the .kibana index.

divergentdave commented 7 years ago

Environment.client.indices.put_settings index: '.kibana', body: { index: { number_of_replicas: 0 } } solved it.

> puts Environment.client.cat.health
1490497605 20:06:45 786276019377:oversight-es5 green 1 1 11 11 0 0 0 0 - 100.0%
divergentdave commented 7 years ago

It's all migrated! I'm going to wait a bit before deleting the version 1.5 stuff, but it's all looking good.

konklone commented 7 years ago

Hot damn, good job!

divergentdave commented 7 years ago