Nucleus is an Android library, which utilizes the Model-View-Presenter pattern to properly connect background tasks with visual parts of an application.
[20:55:52] [pool-2-thread-119/ERROR] [nucleus]: The file c576ad5f-6664-4b34-9198-53861af22ea2.json has not been saved.
Configuration Node has no children.
[20:55:52] [pool-2-thread-119/ERROR] [nucleus]: Could not save data for c576ad5f-6664-4b34-9198-53861af22ea2
[20:55:52] [pool-2-thread-119/ERROR] [nucleus]: The file c576ad5f-6664-4b34-9198-53861af22ea2.json has not been saved. Configuration Node has no children. [20:55:52] [pool-2-thread-119/ERROR] [nucleus]: Could not save data for c576ad5f-6664-4b34-9198-53861af22ea2