You will receive bunches of ints instead of strings. This is my proposed fix:
in Qap1.cs, line 744 replace with this:
case XtArrayInt:
var res = new int[length / 4];
var intBuf = new byte[4];
for (long i = 0; i < length; i += 4)
Array.Copy(data, start + i, intBuf, 0, 4);
res[i / 4] = BitConverter.ToInt32(intBuf, 0);
result = null;
string[] classAttribute;
if (attrs != null
&& attrs.ContainsKey("class"))
classAttribute = attrs["class"].AsStrings;
if (classAttribute.Contains("Date"))
// Treat as dates
result = new SexpArrayDate(res);
// Treat as strings
if (attrs.ContainsKey("class"))
string[] levels = attrs["levels"].AsStrings;
result = new SexpArrayString();
foreach (int levelIndex in res)
result.Add(levels[levelIndex - 1]);
if (result == null)
result = new SexpArrayInt(res);
Use datasets::HairEyeColor
You will receive bunches of ints instead of strings. This is my proposed fix: in Qap1.cs, line 744 replace with this: