konpyutaika / nifikop

The NiFiKop NiFi Kubernetes operator makes it easy to run Apache NiFi on Kubernetes. Apache NiFI is a free, open-source solution that support powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic.
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Example how how to use "Custom User Authorizers" with nifikop #221

Closed skpathak2 closed 1 year ago

skpathak2 commented 1 year ago


Type of question

Implementation Assistance

Support question

Hello I have managed to integrate nifi-cluster (launched by nifikop) with ldap and able to authenticate however now I am facing issue with Authorization please see the error below. It seems like we need to change Changing the value for Initial Admin Identity in your authorizers.xml hence I am trying to use "Custom User Authorizers" with following template which does not work and does not modify the authorizers.xml Following is is for nifi-cluster which has authorizerConfig is nested under cluster. Appreciate your guidance. Thanks Also created a configmap with following attributes

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: authcm
  # Update Authorizer.xml
  authorizers.xml: |
      {{- $nodeList := .NodeList }}
      {{- $clusterName := .ClusterName }}
      {{- $namespace := .Namespace }}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
              <property name="Users File">../data/users.xml</property>
              <property name="Legacy Authorized Users File"></property>
              <property name="Initial User Identity admin">{{ .ControllerUser }}</property>
      {{- range $i, $host := .NodeList }}

              <property name="Initial User Identity {{ $i }}">{{ $host }}</property>
      {{- end }}
              <property name="User Group Provider">file-user-group-provider</property>
              <property name="Authorizations File">../data/authorizations.xml</property>
              <property name="Initial Admin Identity">cn=nifiadmin,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org</property>
              <property name="Initial Admin Identity">{{ .ControllerUser }}</property>
              <property name="Legacy Authorized Users File"></property>
      {{- range $i, $host := .NodeList }}
              <property name="Node Identity {{ $i }}">{{ $host }}</property>
      {{- end }}
              <property name="Node Group"></property>
              <property name="Access Policy Provider">file-access-policy-provider</property>
    # An authorizers.xml configuration template that will replace the default template seen in authorizers.go and the replaceTemplateConfigMap
      # The key of the value,in data content, that we want use.
      data: authorizers.xml
      # Name of the configmap that we want to refer.
      name: authcm
      # Namespace where is located the secret that we want to refer.
      namespace: nifi

NiFiKop version


Golang version

No response

Kubernetes version

No response

NiFi version


mh013370 commented 1 year ago

I actually think there's a bug here. In the cases where nifikop looks to do the authorizer substitution, the condition is uses to decide to substitute is wrong.

Here, the conditions should be if err != nil instead of if err == nil. As written, the condition is backwards. I will raise a PR.

narayanbhawar10 commented 1 year ago

@skpathak2 can you share your nifi cluster yaml if it is not sensitive.