konrad11901 / Inspiron7373-macOS

Running macOS Catalina on Dell Inspiron 7373 (2-in-1)
2 stars 2 forks source link

Recommended SMBIOS Values? #7

Open xtreme1690 opened 1 year ago

xtreme1690 commented 1 year ago


I've just got my hands on a 7373 that i found at a bargain price - Just waiting for it to arrive. It's the same spec as the one from this GitHub - Just curious what SMBIOS values you recommend i use? Not asking for a serial or anything, just curious on the model as in OC Configurator there doesnt seem to be a model listed that matches the CPU this unit has (trying to prep a config.plist ahead of time!). Am i ok to just go with a 'closest match'? Since i am aware that a wrong SMBIOS can cause MacOS to try utilise features that the hardware itself may lack and i want to try make the install and bootup as smooth as i can!