konrad1977 / emacs

My emacs configuration
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Have you thought above getting your Kanagawa theme on MELPA ? / Separate repository ? (Suggestion) #5

Closed SaladinAyyub closed 9 months ago

SaladinAyyub commented 1 year ago

I see that you have worked on creating the kanagawa theme and on reddit there were talks about getting this on melpa

https://github.com/jasonm23/emacs-theme-kanagawa/blob/master/kanagawa-theme.el This doesn't seem to be getting updated..

Also will be great if you create a repo specifically for the kanagawa theme.. so people can install it simply by using the username/package-name.

example -

(package! kanagawa-theme :recipe
(:host github :repo "konrad1977/kanagawa-theme" :branch "master")) 

I am currently using it and loving it.. also compared it to the original work of reblot's nvim theme.. :)

konrad1977 commented 1 year ago

I have never put anything on Melpa. Maybe I can look into it. Thanks!

konrad1977 commented 1 year ago

It now lives in its own repo: https://github.com/konrad1977/kanagawa-emacs https://github.com/konrad1977/oxocarbon-emacs https://github.com/konrad1977/pinerose-emacs

SaladinAyyub commented 1 year ago

great :+1: