Closed psravikiran closed 2 years ago
Can you verify if you can ping between namespaces? e.g. from smf to upf. If you can't it looks like bridge is not forwarding packets
I had similar issue once, solved it by following this:
Thank you.. Just setting this after the env-init solved the issue.
sysctl -w net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=0
Hi, I am trying this on Ubuntu 20.04. Getting connection timeouts to mongodb and probably between all the services.
2022-10-31T10:17:37Z [INFO][WebUI][Init] Server started skipping deployment of: host skipping deployment of: gnb skipping deployment of: ue skipping deployment of: internet all services running 2022-10-31T10:18:07Z [ERRO][WebUI][Context] RestfulAPIGetMany err: server selection error: server selection timeout, current topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [{ Addr:, Type: Unknown, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: dial tcp i/o timeout }, ] } UDR register to NRF Error[Put "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out] UDM register to NRF Error[Put "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out] 2022-10-31T10:19:32Z [ERRO][AUSF][Consumer] AUSF register to NRF Error[Put "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out] 2022-10-31T10:19:34Z [ERRO][NSSF][Consumer] NSSF register to NRF Error[Put "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out] AMF register to NRF Error[Put "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out] PCF register to NRF Error[Put "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out] 2022-10-31T10:19:44Z [INFO][SMF][Consumer] SMF register to NRF Error[Put "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out]
Please give some clues on how to solve