konsolas / AAC-Issues

AAC Issue Tracker.
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ignore this #1899

Closed Insprill closed 4 years ago

Insprill commented 4 years ago

Issue description

If a player is sprint jumping and holding in left click, AAC started to kick/ ban them for move hacks, so i increase the tolerance a lot (30) and now if a player is sprint jumping and holding in left click for more then like 5 seconds it starts to lag the server, a lot. Once their doing it for like a minute the TPS drops to like 0.5-1.0 and and console is saying its running 650,000+ ms behind. Then once then once everything is that low and they keep doing it, it starts to mark them for Timings, and eventually kick/ ban them. The server is running on a Xeon X3220 with 7.5GB ram dedicated. And is literally using 100% CPU just pinned at 2.4GHz. I ran some timings and AAC was taking well over 400 ms per tick. I also tried it on a clone of the server but on a PC with 2x Xeon X5690's at 3.5GHz and 7.5GB ram. On there it only dropped the tps to about 13 after doing it for about a minute but it was using 30% CPU. I restarted the 1st server (with the X3220) and it was fine and as soon as my alt joined (one who was sprint jumping + holding in right click) the TPS went to 4 and CPU got pinned at 100%. Update: I ran timings after i restarted the server and joined on my alt, here are the results: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=279ebbead35f4e829268c44b6f043b5d

Here is the full timings report: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=0cbf26e79e7a455facb74f3af15c69cb Here is AAC's latest log: https://pastebin.com/9H7qt3pR Here is the servers latest log: https://pastebin.com/TfEkekse (Although it only seems to have the last 2 minutes before i had to just end task it)

Note: It would be cool if you could add better detection for speednuker specifically. If someone is using it it causes worldedit to go crazy and tps drops again to like 0.5. Other note: It should not be substitued for a description. you have substituted spelled wrong :)

Core information

Server version: Paper-95 1.15.2 AAC version: 4.3.6 ProtocolLib version: 4.5.0 Plugin list: N/A

Special environment information

ViaVersion version: ?? N/A ProtocolSupport version: ?? N/A ViaBackwards version: ?? N/A BungeeCord plugins: ?? -BungeeMOTD -BuycraftX -CMIB1.0.0.0 -CommandSync-2.5.3-RELEASE -nuvotifier


Insprill commented 4 years ago

Ok so turns out i'm retarded and can't read, was AAC adition Pro, not AAC :)