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[AAC5] Task #11 for AAC5 v5.2.0 generated an exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class me.konsolas.aac.lo #2310

Open Janmm14 opened 2 years ago

Janmm14 commented 2 years ago

Original issue: #2294

5.2.0 does not work at all. Upon player login, continuous console spam. https://gist.github.com/andrewkm/6338e097cc567e4b4e37bd6857f78ff5 https://gist.github.com/Janmm14/fde2e4110b1636531249b4537a04ea4b

Core information

Server version: 1.16.5 (Paper Build 783)

AAC version: 5.2.0

AAC config: 5.1.0|2-Default-Celebrimbor

AAC enabled checks: The following checks are disabled & altered: delays.fast_place: false aimbot.enabled: false hitbox.enabled: false features.aac_interact_break: 0 features.aac_interact_place: 0

ProtocolLib version: 4.7.1 Build 531

Plugin list: (Plugins on request via Discord - andrewkm-0001)

Special environment information

ViaVersion version: 4.0.2 Build 536

ProtocolSupport version: none

ViaBackwards version: none

BungeeCord plugins: none

Janmm14 commented 2 years ago

NoneTirex commented on 2 Aug

I have a similar issue with AAC 5.20 on 1.16.5 version, any update?

bobbyfc commented on 4 Aug

I am having the same issue, exact same plugin versions/paper version

Korinocho commented on 14 Aug

Same here, paper 1.16.5 786

skw359 commented on 14 Aug

Had the same issue, just use build 5.1.0 if you're running 1.16.5