konsoletyper / teavm

Compiles Java bytecode to JavaScript, WebAssembly and C
Apache License 2.0
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Compilation issue in 0.10.0-dev-3 and later #874

Closed aloraps closed 6 months ago

aloraps commented 6 months ago

Starting in 0.10.0-dev-3, I get this error:

[ERROR] JSBody method org.teavm.jso.indexeddb.IDBIndex.unwrapStringArray(Lorg/teavm/jso/JSObject;)[Ljava/lang/String; declares 1 parameters, but annotation specifies 0 at org.teavm.jso.indexeddb.IDBIndex.unwrapStringArray


Compilation in earlier versions works as intended, including 0.10.0-dev-2.