konsoletyper / teavm

Compiles Java bytecode to JavaScript, WebAssembly and C
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Running examples using stdout.js fail on a js error #920

Closed bubbleguuum closed 1 month ago

bubbleguuum commented 1 month ago

Using latest git version.

For example running the async sample fails in the browser with this JS stack trace in the console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: msg is not defined
    $rt_putStdoutCustom http://localhost:8080/teavm/stdout.js:5
    ET http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:83
    BA http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:2
    Dt http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:83
    G http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:56
    Fy http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:50
    D$/</< http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:3
    run http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:40
    start http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:40
    DV http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:41
    D$/< http://localhost:8080/js/async.js:3
    runAll http://localhost:8080/:29
    onload http://localhost:8080/:1