Open cameronraysmith opened 1 year ago
Thanks for reporting this issue @cameronraysmith! As discussed in our community, @Claywd may be able to look into this soon.
Of note, workarounds such as
kubectl -n vault get secrets/vault-unseal-secret --template='{{index .data "root-token"}}' | base64 -d
are already documented here.
@sundaram2021 will work on this.
sorry for the late , please assign it to me
Which version of kubefirst are you using?
Which cloud provider?
Google Cloud
Which installation type?
Which distributed Git provider?
What is the issue?
After creating a cluster in a non-default region, such as with the flag
--cloud-region us-central1
, the root-credentials command still posts an api call indicating it expects the cluster in the defaultus-east1
and there doesn't appear to be a flag to modify this.Code of Conduct