konstructs / client

A voxel based game client.
MIT License
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GLFW Initialization error #219

Open dyskos opened 7 years ago

dyskos commented 7 years ago

Executing konstructs-client.exe v0.7 on Windows 10 only leads to an error stating that GLFW fails to initialize. The same for my v0.6 executable. What's the cause of this?

petterarvidsson commented 7 years ago

Hi @drakovyrn! Thank you for your bug report. Could you please provide some information regarding your graphics card? Konstructs required open GL 3.3. This could be one reason for it to fail.

petterarvidsson commented 7 years ago

@drakovyrn There is a test release of the windows version of constructs based on #220 available from bintray, could you please try it out and post the error message here?

nsg commented 7 years ago

Note: #220 is based on master (pre-release of release 8) so if you are able to start the client, you will not be able to connect to play.konstructs.org. If the client works/fails please report the output in a terminal (run it from cmd.exe).

petterarvidsson commented 7 years ago

@nsg I branched directly off release 7 so it should be compatible.

nsg commented 7 years ago

@petterarvidsson I see ... my mistake :) At least the output thing is still true.

dyskos commented 7 years ago

Hi all, sorry for the late reply. My processor is an AMD A10-5745M APU with Radeon HD Graphics. I've been able to run Konstructs on this very same computer before, but after downloading client 0.7, neither seems to work. I'm not sure whether or not there has been an update since then that broke compatibility.

The test release client outputs "GLFW Error[65544]: No monitors found".

Any ideas?

dyskos commented 7 years ago

Another program I have says my renderer is AMD Radeon HD 8610G.

It also says that my computer supports OpenGL version 3.0 all the up to 4.4 100%, and version 4.5 90%, so there should be no issue with OpenGL support 3.3 here.

petterarvidsson commented 7 years ago

@drakovyrn Your graphics card is definitely good enough for constructs then. A look around at that error code ended up with this: https://github.com/wjakob/instant-meshes/issues/3 Could that issue be related?

petterarvidsson commented 7 years ago

Regardless I think we should update GLFW due to: https://github.com/glfw/glfw/issues/441