kontaktio / kontakt-ios-sdk

This SDK makes it easy for you to configure, monitor, and securely update Kontakt.io Beacons through our Kontakt.io API.
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Integration error #28

Closed bnagarjuna closed 7 years ago

bnagarjuna commented 7 years ago

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/KontaktSDK.framework/KontaktSDK Referenced from: /Users/Welcome/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/1BFA5957-3059-4430-A537-A53711E00207/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/3EAE9BD0-7C21-4B4C-B038-B61A76EDC6D5/iBeaconsInt.app/iBeaconsInt Reason: image not found

stoprocent commented 7 years ago

This is not an SDK issue. You didnt link/embed framework properly. Have a look in our README for detailed installation manual.