kontalk / androidclient

Kontalk official Android client
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Group chat #179

Closed ameenross closed 7 years ago

ameenross commented 10 years ago

To be a viable alternative to other clients/networks, groupchat is an important feature.

Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](https://www.bountysource.com/issues/3038734-group-chat?utm_campaign=plugin&utm_content=tracker%2F622720&utm_medium=issues&utm_source=github)** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](https://www.bountysource.com/?utm_campaign=plugin&utm_content=tracker%2F622720&utm_medium=issues&utm_source=github).
lupa18 commented 8 years ago

When I tried to install it (upgrade), it says "could not install", so I uninstalled the original one and installed this version, but with some problems on authentication:

  1. When I try to use the call last 4 digits for authenticate, it not works (see attachment). I tried 3 times (with 3 different calls). None of numbers I had use works. I think in this country there is some kind of proxy-phone and the number calling is not showing correctly.
  2. Then, I tried the "other method", and I received a sms with the code , but can't use because, it quickly switch to the "put your phone number" screen. It began a loop and never can authenticate again (see attach 2). Maybe will be necessary put a button "I already have the sms code", or similar like that.

I'm with Cyanogenmod13

do u prefer I open 1 or 2 issues at github?

thanks in advance

El 20/08/16 a las 14:53, webratte escribió:

Sorry, I meant not "not accepted the Key" but "not accepted the invitation".

And it's also after Upgrade from regular Playstore Version to current Alpha 3.

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daniele-athome commented 8 years ago

When I tried to install it (upgrade), it says "could not install", so I uninstalled the original one and installed this version, but with some problems on authentication:

That's probably because you come from the F-Droid version which is signed with their certificate. Sorry, there is really nothing I can do about it. You'll have to do the same again when 4.0.0 goes public on F-Droid.

It would be nice to open 2 separate issues, thank you! Please be sure to attach your files when you open the issues because I'm afraid that replying via e-mail doesn't allow attachments.

StefanBrand commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've downloaded the basic.apk of the alpha3.

Creating groups works great, however I encountered one flaw: When I add a person afterwards, the red warning bar is not displayed, but I also can't send messages (just a quick popup label notifies me of the missing verification).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create group with 3 people. Red bar appears when not yet verified.
  2. add 4th person via 3-dot-menu. Red bar does not appear.

PS: I love the hover button in the lower right corner. It's a great implementation! Continue the effort of making group chats available, please. Now with Whatsapp forcing users to accept the new privacy agreement it's even more pressing to have a strong and simple alternative!

daniele-athome commented 8 years ago

When I add a person afterwards, the red warning bar is not displayed, but I also can't send messages

I just tried it and it seems to be working on current master (I've fixed a lot of stuff on key management lately). It'll be on next alpha.

daniele-athome commented 8 years ago

New alpha!

http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha4-googleplay.apk http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha4-basic.apk

daniele-athome commented 8 years ago

Sorry guys, here is a new apk:

http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha5-basic.apk http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha5-googleplay.apk

I'm afraid there are still many issues to be addressed, but it should work for now.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Just a quick news: alpha6 is coming soon, right after #809 will be closed, featuring:

Stay tuned.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Alpha6 is here:

http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha6-basic.apk http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha6-googleplay.apk

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

FYI: there is a small bug in some languages that will show wrong notification text in some cases. I've opened #817. the bug is not critical though, the app will work correctly.

StefanBrand commented 7 years ago

After upgrading from alpha5 to alpha6 strange black lines appear around some messages from myself:


I don't see any pattern. It doesn't matter if send time and receive time are different or the same, and the size of the message is also not important (it happens to one word messages and to pictures alike). Edit: i found a pattern: My first message doesn't have black borders, but the following messages do have, up until the other person has sent me a message again. It might be related to #815 as @TheLastProject suggests. I'm using the Hangout theme.

Can somebody confirm this behaviour?

PS: me and the other person in the chat are both using alpha6. It's a private chat (not a group chat). I'm on a Fairphone 1 with Android 4.4.2 and Xposed/Xprivacy. Edit2: I'm using the basic alpha6 and I do not have any Google Apps installed. Edit3: My screen resolution is 960x540 (qHD).

TheLastProject commented 7 years ago

That issue is probably caused by #815.

StefanBrand commented 7 years ago

I updated my report above because I could detect a pattern.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

I do see a pattern: it's the balloons for continuation messages. I'll investigate on the correctness of the 9-patches, thanks for reporting!

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

@StefanBrand 5 seconds before me :-)

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

@StefanBrand does it happen also for incoming messages? I can't see continuation messages in your screenshot so I can't be sure.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

@relan is it a problem with the generated pngs from the vector graphic? Can I just edit the hdpi png (seems to be only one affected by this issue) by hand?

StefanBrand commented 7 years ago

@daniele-athome No, it only happens to my own outgoing messages. And only on my device. The other person has a Fairphone 2 and doesn't report the behaviour.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Thanks @StefanBrand that's probably because the Fairphone 1 has an hdpi density and the Fairphone 2 has another one.

relan commented 7 years ago

My fault.

Can I just edit the hdpi png (seems to be only one affected by this issue) by hand?

Those black lines aren't scalable, so PNGs need to be edited after they are generated from an SVG.

If this can wait, I'll submit a fix in about 6 hours.

StefanBrand commented 7 years ago

I won't compile the source myself so I won't be able to test it until the next release anyway. :)

relan commented 7 years ago

822 fixes those black lines around the balloon. Thanks for reporting!

mrsnax commented 7 years ago

Does this MUC support to sent file?

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Yes, the same way as in single chats.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Where does one get the code for group chat feature?I couldn't find it here :


The download links for apks are not working for me and I would like to build myself to try it out.

TheLastProject commented 7 years ago

It's in the master branch since a few months.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Thanks.Trying it out...

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

@gakwaya several alphas were published in this issue. Please refer to the initial post, it has a link to the latest release comment.

(Thanks @TheLastProject)

pravi commented 7 years ago

@daniele-athome, I have built kontalk from source and version shown is 4.0.0-alpha7 (206). I keep getting the warning 'Identity of some group members have not been verified.' When I click details, all contacts have a green tick mark.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

@pravi please provide some more details (e.g. the exact commit). Are all members in the group known contacts (that is, you have their phone number in your contacts and you have both-sides subscription with them)?

arielenter commented 7 years ago

I installed 4.0.0-alpha6-googleplay.apk from the provided links, but every time I start kontalk it crashes. Where can I find the logs to send them to you? My android version is 2.3.6 could it have something to do with it? Thank you.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Yes, sorry, update is supported only from version 3. How did you use Kontalk version 2 anyway? The legacy server has been offline for more than a year now.

TheLastProject commented 7 years ago

@daniele-athome I'm pretty sure @arielenter means Android 2.3.6 (Gingerbread).

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Oh my... I'm tired :D You can use Catlog from play store or f-droid. It has a send function to send logs via email. Please send it to devteam at kontalk.org thanks!

arielenter commented 7 years ago

I just sent you the log with Catlog :) through email, but I may as well publish it here too:

10-04 10:37:16.890 E/AndroidRuntime( 2915): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{org.kontalk/org.kontalk.ui.ConversationsActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #50: Error inflating class com.github.clans.fab.FloatingActionMenu 10-04 10:37:16.890 E/AndroidRuntime( 2915): at org.kontalk.ui.ConversationListFragment.onCreateView(ConversationListFragment.java:82) 10-04 10:37:16.890 E/AndroidRuntime( 2915): at org.kontalk.ui.ConversationsActivity.onCreate(ConversationsActivity.java:94) 10-04 10:37:27.304 W/ActivityManager( 1501): Service crashed 2 times, stopping: ServiceRecord{40d7f598 org.kontalk/.service.msgcenter.MessageCenterService}

I'm sorry for taking so long. It's my girlfriend cell phones. I hope this can be fix.

@TheLastProject was right, I meant Android 2.3.6 (Gingerbread). Thanks a lot you all.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

@arielenter got it, thanks. It's been fixed a couple of weeks ago: https://github.com/daniele-athome/FloatingActionButton/commit/5b655fe1be33e8f9e7d66e878ec7ee0627c461fc

But it will be on next alpha (due soon).

I'm going to lock this issue now. Please open other issues to provide feedback or write to kontalk-devel@googlegroups.com or the devteam email address. Thank you!!

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the long delay. Here is a new alpha:

http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha7-googleplay.apk http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha7-basic.apk

Please note that group chat is partially incompatible between alpha6 and alpha7, so all members must upgrade.

daniele-athome commented 7 years ago

Not available anymore due to a severe bug. Public beta will begin around Dec 4th.

Another alpha. Getting very close to public beta now! I'm trying to close as many issues as possible.

http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha8-googleplay.apk http://astra.casaricci.it/public/Kontalk-4.0.0-alpha8-basic.apk

(sorry some strings might still be untranslated)