kontena / pharos-cluster

Pharos - The Kubernetes Distribution
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Reinstalling kubernetes the pharos way #427

Closed mthird closed 6 years ago

mthird commented 6 years ago

What's the best way to reset and reinstall pharos without having to pave the machines?

I've tried kubeadm reset, removing the /etc/pharos and /etc/kubernetes directories, uninstalling kubeadm/kubelet/docker.io, then running the up command, but it gets stuck at verifying port 6443 is listening.

The syslog shows

Jun 12 17:15:52 dev-k8s-master1 kubelet[8686]: Flag --read-only-port has been deprecated, This parameter should be set via the config file specified by the Kubelet's --config flag. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubelet-config-file/ for more information.
Jun 12 17:15:52 dev-k8s-master1 kubelet[8686]: I0612 17:15:52.270879    8686 feature_gate.go:226] feature gates: &{{} map[]}
Jun 12 17:15:52 dev-k8s-master1 kubelet[8686]: F0612 17:15:52.270959    8686 server.go:218] unable to load client CA file /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt: open /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt: no such file or directory

I trolled through the source code but I don't see where the ca.crt file is explictly created.

Any help would be appreciated.

mthird commented 6 years ago

This is for version 1.1.1, btw.

mthird commented 6 years ago

Just discovered something interesting ... but removing the worker nodes, the pharos log now shows the certificate generation step.

My cluster.yaml file:

  - address: ""
    role: master
    user: vmadmin
    ssh_key_path: ~/.ssh/ae/id_rsa
    #- address: ""
    #role: worker
    #user: vmadmin
    #ssh_key_path: ~/.ssh/ae/id_rsa
    #- address: ""
    #role: worker
    #user: vmadmin
    #ssh_key_path: ~/.ssh/ae/id_rsa
  provider: calico
    ipip_mode: CrossSubnet
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    interval: "7d"
    enabled: true
mthird commented 6 years ago

For anyone else that wants to reset pharos without reinstalling the OS, the following script takes care of it.

Before figuring out every directory that needed to be deleted, I saw the following errors:

Internal error occurred: invalid padding on input

Note that this will destroy any data stored in existing containers and volumes!

sudo kubeadm reset && sudo apt-get remove -y --allow-change-held-packages kubeadm kubelet kubectl docker.io && sudo rm -rf /etc/kubernetes /etc/pharos /var/etcd ~/.kube /var/lib/docker /var/lib/kubelet /var/lib/cni /var/lib/etcd /var/lib/weave /var/lib/calico
jakolehm commented 6 years ago

I think that reset example is missing few things... more complete reset would be something like:


systemctl stop kubelet
systemctl disable kubelet
systemctl stop docker
systemctl disable docker
kubeadm reset
apt-get purge -y --allow-change-held-packages --purge kubeadm kubelet kubectl docker.io
apt-get autoremove -y
rm -rf /etc/kubernetes \
    /etc/pharos \
    /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service \
    /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d \
    ~/.kube \
    /var/lib/docker \
    /var/lib/containerd \
    /var/lib/kubelet \
    /opt/cni \
    /var/lib/etcd \
    /var/lib/weave \
    /var/lib/calico \

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl reset-failed