kontext-app / social-bookmarking-app

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Feature to create list and add bookmark from list details page #36

Closed dohaki closed 3 years ago

dohaki commented 3 years ago

Rudimentary implementation and still looks a bit mehh but works :) I might have broken some responsiveness for mobile while cleaning up the nav components though.

~This PR currently only allows adding a bookmark to the list from the list details page. The other way around, i.e. directly by clicking on a bookmark, will follow in a separate PR.~ EDIT: Just pushed it in here

dohaki commented 3 years ago

Pretty nice.

Adding items to lists works well, both ways.

Also tested adding a non-public item. While it shows up for me, it doesn't on the public list.

Yea seems the indexer/recommender is a bit broken... Actually still need to figure out, how it makes the most sense to build the indexer/recommender at this point 🤔