kontext-app / social-bookmarking-app

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scale friend recommendations #6

Open seichris opened 3 years ago

seichris commented 3 years ago

as a friend, i want to share links with a specific group of friends, to share knowledge and stay anonymous outside of that group

user pain / need in an internet full of clickbait, spam, SEO optimized bullshit content, recommendations by friends rule. but they need manual work.


  1. saving: bookmarking should be one click
  2. curation: manual work to put together lists. And sort them, tag them, rate them.
  3. sharing: everyone is on different platforms with different logins
  4. matching: how to scale from 'send to contact x' to 'auto-share with people who are interested in this'?
  5. discovery: how to scale from direct sharing to a feed?


  1. ... autosave from twitter, maps, etc.
  2. ... autosave tags, ratings, etc
  3. share link list publicly. share comments privately.
  4. ... prediction market 'i bet you will like this'
  5. ...