konveyor / kai

Konveyor AI - static code analysis driven migration to new targets via Generative AI
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podman compose - broken log/trace to disk when using the supplied build/config_example.toml #397

Open jwmatthews opened 2 hours ago

jwmatthews commented 2 hours ago

We've recently broken logging and tracing to disk when run via podman compose up. We are NOT writing to the shared directory which is accessible by both the container AND the host.

Below is a snippet of configuration

kai_1               | Config loaded: KaiConfig(log_level='info', file_log_level='debug', log_dir='$pwd/logs', demo_mode=False, trace_enabled=True, gunicorn_workers=8, gunicorn_timeout=3600, gunicorn_bind='', incident_store=KaiConfigIncidentStore(solution_detectors=<SolutionDetectorKind.NAIVE: 'naive'>, solution_producers=<SolutionProducerKind.TEXT_ONLY: 'text_only'>, args=KaiConfigIncidentStorePostgreSQLArgs(provider=<KaiConfigIncidentStoreProvider.POSTGRESQL: 'postgresql'>, host='kai_db', database='kai', user='kai', password='dog8code', connection_string=None, solution_detection=<SolutionDetectorKind.NAIVE: 'naive'>)), models=KaiConfigModels(provider='ChatIBMGenAI', args={'model_id': 'mistralai/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v01', 'parameters': {'max_new_tokens': 2048}}, template=None, llama_header=None, llm_retries=5, llm_retry_delay=10.0), solution_consumers=[<SolutionConsumerKind.DIFF_ONLY: 'diff_only'>, <SolutionConsumerKind.LLM_SUMMARY: 'llm_summary'>])
kai_1               | Console logging for 'kai' is set to level 'INFO'
kai_1               | File logging for 'kai' is set to level 'DEBUG' writing to file: '/kai/logs/kai_server.log'

Note: File logging for 'kai' is set to level 'DEBUG' writing to file: '/kai/logs/kai_server.log'

When running from within the container we need the logging directory to be: /podman_compose/logs Which is set as KAI__LOG_DIR: "/podman_compose/logs" from https://github.com/konveyor/kai/blob/main/compose.yaml

I am using the build/config_example.toml we have for an example My steps were: 1) cp build/config_example.toml build/config.toml 2) Build the latest code into a local image with tag 'local' 3) TAG="local" podman compose up

Example of the config.toml I used:

$ cat build/config.toml
log_level = "info"
file_log_level = "debug"
log_dir = "$pwd/logs"
demo_mode = false
trace_enabled = true

# **Solution consumers** This controls the strategies the LLM uses to consume
# solutions.
# - "diff_only": consumes only the diff between the the initial and solved
#   states
# - "llm_summary": If the incident store's `solution_producers` field is
#   configured to use "llm_lazy", the solution used will include an
#   llm-generated summary of the changes required.

solution_consumers = ["diff_only", "llm_summary"]


# **incident_store.solution_detectors** This controls the strategies the
# incident store uses to detect when an incident was solved.
# - "naive": Incidents are considered the same if every field in the incident is
#   the exact same.
# - "line_match": Same as "naive", except we take into account if the line has
#   moved about in the file.

solution_detectors = "naive"

# **incident_store.solution_producers** This controls the strategies the
# incident store uses to produce incidents.
# - "text_only": Only the textual information (diff, code before, code after) of
#   the incident is stored.
# - "llm_lazy": Same as "text_only", but will earmark the solution for LLM
#   summary generation upon retrieval.

solution_producers = "text_only"

# Only set this if you want to use a different incident store than the default.
# If you are running it using podman compose, you should probably leave this
# alone.

# **Postgresql incident store**
# ```
# [incident_store.args]
# provider = "postgresql"
# host = ""
# database = "kai"
# user = "kai"
# password = "dog8code"
# ```

# **In-memory sqlite incident store**
# ```
# [incident_store.args]
# provider = "sqlite"
# connection_string = "sqlite:///:memory:"
# ```

provider = "ChatIBMGenAI"

model_id = "mistralai/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v01"

# **IBM served granite**
# ```
# [models]
#   provider = "ChatIBMGenAI"

#   [models.args]
#   model_id = "ibm/granite-13b-chat-v2"
# ```

# **IBM served mistral**
# ```
# [models]
#   provider = "ChatIBMGenAI"

#   [models.args]
#   model_id = "mistralai/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v01"
# ```

# **IBM served codellama**
# ```
# [models]
#   provider = "ChatIBMGenAI"

#   [models.args]
#   model_id = "meta-llama/llama-2-13b-chat"
# ```

# **IBM served llama3**
# ```
#   # Note:  llama3 complains if we use more than 2048 tokens
#   # See:  https://github.com/konveyor-ecosystem/kai/issues/172
# [models]
#   provider = "ChatIBMGenAI"

#   [models.args]
#   model_id = "meta-llama/llama-3-70b-instruct"
#   parameters.max_new_tokens = 2048
# ```

# **Ollama**
# ```
# [models]
#   provider = "ChatOllama"

#   [models.args]
#   model = "mistral"
# ```

# **OpenAI GPT 4**
# ```
# [models]
#   provider = "ChatOpenAI"

#   [models.args]
#   model = "gpt-4"
# ```

# **OpenAI GPT 3.5**
# ```
# [models]
#   provider = "ChatOpenAI"

#   [models.args]
#   model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
# ```

# **Amazon Bedrock served Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet **
# ```
# [models]
# provider = "ChatBedrock"

# [models.args]
# model_id = "anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0"
# ```

# **Google Gemini Pro**
# [models]
# provider = "ChatGoogleGenerativeAI"

# [models.args]
# model = "gemini-pro"
jwmatthews commented 2 hours ago

Issue was:

Example of what I changed to allow writing to disk from the container to the shared location in the host filesystem

$ cat build/config.toml
log_level = "info"
file_log_level = "debug"
#log_dir = "$pwd/logs"
demo_mode = false
trace_enabled = true

I commented out the log_dir entry so that it uses what we supply via compose.yaml (which sets an environment variable)