I've searched the issue list, there are no similar features.
[X] Yes
I've installed the latest developer version, still can't find this feature.
[X] Yes
If you have more than one feature, please open multiple issues.
[X] Yes
Brief Introduction
Hello, pls don't hate me for asking general inquiries in github, I'm just curious, what page setup or resolution size do you use? especially in the full screen size of kodoo reader, it looks really good and comfy, pls can you tell me what resolution size you use? thank you and sorry for the incovenience.
I'm talking about this one.
pls don't get angry, I'm just a curious lad, thank you very much and hopefully you'll answer my curiosity.
I've searched the issue list, there are no similar features.
I've installed the latest developer version, still can't find this feature.
If you have more than one feature, please open multiple issues.
Brief Introduction
Hello, pls don't hate me for asking general inquiries in github, I'm just curious, what page setup or resolution size do you use? especially in the full screen size of kodoo reader, it looks really good and comfy, pls can you tell me what resolution size you use? thank you and sorry for the incovenience. I'm talking about this one.
pls don't get angry, I'm just a curious lad, thank you very much and hopefully you'll answer my curiosity.