koole / react-sanctum

Easily hook up your React app to Laravel Sanctum and Laravel Fortify
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Session Expired Response Handling #53

Open rkeshwani opened 2 years ago

rkeshwani commented 2 years ago

Right now, if you leave your browser window open too long and then attempt to make a request to your laravel application from your React Application, the token times out and the module doesn't automatically refresh the token, there is an error thrown CSRF Token mismatch.

Possibly include a configuration option that automatically enables an axios response interceptor that runs a function from the configuration when status code 419: Session Expired is returned?

As explained here: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/general-discussion/detecting-expired-session-with-sanctumspa This leaves it open for the user to either write a function to reload the window, or reroute the user to re-authenticate, or if they want to try to refresh the session using the csrf method that is already provided.

koole commented 2 years ago

I’m not sure how this could would work. This package only deals with requests for sanctum, so it doesn’t know about the request you’re making to the API, which might return a 419.

I feel like adding an interceptor to Axios like the example you linked would be a bad idea in a package like this, as it would completely overwrite the interceptors the users’ own interceptors, which is not desired at all.

I think what might be best is to add a piece of documentation describing how to deal with token refreshing on errors, so people can add it to their own interceptors. That way there is no need for this package to change the global axios behavior.

Would you agree? I might be missing something, so if you have a good solution I’m all ears.

rkeshwani commented 2 years ago

Hmm. So my understanding of the official documentation https://axios-http.com/docs/interceptors of the Axios interceptors is that it works like a delegation pattern I think? So every function sent to axios.interceptors.request.use method is called when "intercepting" a request. It won't overwrite the user's own interceptors. Internally it looks like there is an array that behaves like a stack with these functions. https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/d99d5faac29899eba68ce671e6b3cbc9832e9ad8/lib/core/InterceptorManager.js#L17

As you suggested adding some documentation to address this issue is a good idea in case others run into it. Based on the Axios documentation most will want to handle this at the global level and so the suggested implementation may have to include that the implementation of the interceptors would have to be done to the global instance of Axios . If the global instance of Axios's interceptors is set AFTER the local instance of Axios is instantiated then the user would still need some form of access to the localAxios instance IF the user doesn't specify an instance of Axios in SanctumConfig.

The suggestion below is not needed but if you were to implement it this could be a potential solution to adding to the interceptors in the localAxios instance:

One suggestion might be to add an optional parameter to the sanctum config called sessionTimeoutHandler: interface Props { config: { apiUrl: string; csrfCookieRoute: string; signInRoute: string; signOutRoute: string; userObjectRoute: string; twoFactorChallengeRoute?: string; axiosInstance?: AxiosInstance; sessionTimeoutHandler?: Function; }; checkOnInit?: boolean; }

Then after the Axios instance initialization, if(config.sessionTimeoutHandler) { localAxiosInstance.interceptors.response.use(config.sessionTimeoutHandler) } This will respect anything the user wants to do and let the user optionally handle any response from the localAxios instance within the Sanctum module. My typescript knowledge is not great so the code above might not work correctly if only copy/pasted.

There are two issues I see with implementation: