kooohei / brackets-synapse

Synapse is Adobe Brackets extension. it will be provided useful function to you. that can be editing text file on remote server directly via the FTP or SFTP. May the code with you :-)
MIT License
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Add ability to customize project name #91

Open MoralCode opened 7 years ago

MoralCode commented 7 years ago

I currently use the wakatime and synapse extensions with brackets and often have a long number (presumably the date) show up in my wakatime history when I edit my website with your synapse extension.

Is it possible to change the project name and have it not create an entirely new project every time a restart brackets and connect to my server?

MoralCode commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-08-30 at 1 29 43 pm here's a screenshot from wakatime of the behavior I'm trying to change.

MoralCode commented 7 years ago

@kooohei just found out that i can get wakatime to change/resort the project name using custom rules, however, I would still love to see a feature for customizing the project name.

MoralCode commented 7 years ago

even with custom rules, i sometimes get multiple files from different projects in the same "project" folder and this messes up my wakatime tracking.

Can you make to so you have to create a new project folder or select an existing project folder in which to store downloaded files after decrypting the plugin but before showing the list of sites to connect to?

Or another possibility is to be able to assign a folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-synapse/PROJ/ to a site so that all files downloaded from that site go into that "project" folder.

This way I can keep my files and projects separate and my wakatime can stay organized.