koopjs / FeatureServer

An open source Geoservices Implementation (deprecated)
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Add support for Esri Catalog Service #112

Open jkerr5 opened 6 years ago

jkerr5 commented 6 years ago

Would it make sense to add support for the Esri catalog service API as defined here: https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/services-reference/catalog.htm

See http://sampleserver3.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services for example.

It would also be nice to have the HTML rendering capability.

If this is already supported somehow, please point me to docs or an example.

rgwozdz commented 6 years ago

I'm definitely open to exploring the idea. Note that this won't be possible for all providers, because some don't have a known set of services, or it would be prohibitive to discover them. For example, the koop-provider-geojson provider has an indeterminate number of services. So in that sense, I'm not sure it makes sense to add to koop-output-services/FeatureServer

We could however approach it similar to the new auth plugin where you add a new function fetchServices to your Model prototype that collects the available services. When a request arrives for :provider/rest/services, koop-output-services would see if a fetchServices function is defined; if it is, then the fetch is executed and data handed off to FeatureServer where the response is handled.

dmfenton commented 6 years ago

When a request arrives for :provider/rest/services, koop-output-services would see if a fetchServices function is defined;

I think this is the right thread to follow. Providers can stay simple and only support getData or they can add functionality:

We'll need to think about how we can abstract these things so that they could work for other types of catalogs and API formats.