koopjs / koop-app-example

A Koop express application example with some common providers.
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add instructions on how to persist registered sources #25

Closed mhogeweg closed 8 years ago

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

it appears after every node restart, I have to re-register the sources. where in the configuration can I add these so they are automatically loaded upon starting the sample app?

jgravois commented 8 years ago

w/o a PostGIS database cache, an in memory store is used, and consequently cleared on server restarts. you can find this mentioned here.

is there somewhere else you expected to find the information?

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

thanks, but I have the PostGIS cache configured. however upon inspection, the PostGIS database is completely empty, no tables whatsoever. the PostGIS configuration documents suggest this should be enough to include in the app's default.json:

    "db": {
        "conn": "postgres://localhost/koopdev"

is there no need for username/password to connect? where are the tables being created? when registering a source like so:

curl --data "host=https://westsacramento.demo.socrata.com&id=westsacramento" localhost:1337/koop/socrata

what stores this in the database in which table (I'm not seeing errors in the console at all)?

jgravois commented 8 years ago

when things are configured correctly you should see tables similar to those in the pgAdmin screenshot below:

screenshot 2015-09-16 16 13 28

my ckan:services table in particular has two columns. one which contains the url of the registered service host, and another for its id

i wish i had a better idea of what you're running into. when you say 'no errors in the console' are you talking about the browser console or the terminal window associated with the running instance of koop?

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

thanks. my koop database schema is empty (0 tables, sequences, triggers, views, etc). nothing gets added apparently.

the errors (or lack thereof) is in the node console. I start the koop sample app with:

node-debug --no-debug-brk server.js

the question is then how can I verify that I have configured things correctly?

jgravois commented 8 years ago

tbh, i don't know. obviously you could trawl the PostGIS logs, but it seems crucial to me that koop provide an indication of whether or not it is not able to read/write to the datastore configured in an application.

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

Yes. For one, the docs don't mention anything about username/password for the database connection. How have you configured yours?

jgravois commented 8 years ago

no username or password

  "server": {
    "port": 1337
  "data_dir": "/usr/local/koop/",
  "db": {
    "conn": "postgres://localhost/foobar"

here's the first thing i see when i spin up the application

john6251 at frink in ~/github/koop-sample-app on test [$]
$ npm start

> koop-sample-app@1.0.3 start /Users/john6251/github/koop-sample-app
> node server.js

info: registered cache: postgis 1.3.1

when i try to register a service with socrata, it blows up (throwing an error to the console)

john6251 at frink in ~
$ curl --data "host=https://westsacramento.demo.socrata.com&id=westsacramento" localhost:1337/socrata

when i try to register a service with ckan, it succeeds

john6251 at frink in ~
$ curl --data "host=https://catalog.data.gov&id=datagov" localhost:1337/ckan

koop-sample-app - master koop - 2.7.2 koop-socrata - 1.0.1

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago


D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app>npm start

> koop-sample-app@1.0.3 start D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app
> node server.js

No Github Token in config. This may cause problems accessing data.
No Github Token in config. This may cause problems accessing data.
Express koop server listening on port 1337

then register a source:

curl --data "host=https://westsacramento.demo.socrata.com&id=westsacramento" localhost:1337/koop/socrata

results in no messages in the node console, just in the console where I registered the source:

chelm commented 8 years ago

There must be an issue with your db connection @mhogeweg. The first thing koop will do when it successfully connects to postgis is create a couple tables. One of these is called koopinfo.

Would you mind sharing your config file in full?

chelm commented 8 years ago

Also we'll want to make sure that the cache is being registered like so: https://github.com/koopjs/koop-sample-app/blob/master/server.js#L30

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago


    "server": {
        "port": 1337
    "data_dir": "D:/data/input/koopdev",
    "db": {
        "conn": "postgres://hogeweg.esri.com:5432/koopdev"
    "socrata": {
        "token": "RTttus0HeZn6WCDNLywnrirDh"
    "junar": {
        "token": "8647500ea08ce418b6793365c0d3de38cdd74152"
mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

and yes, that register line is there also in server.js

var express = require('express');
var cors = require('cors');
var config = require('config');
var junar = require('koop-junar');
var koop = require('koop')(config);
var koopPg = require('koop-pgcache');
var socrata = require('koop-socrata');
var ckan = require('koop-ckan');
var github = require('koop-github');
var agol = require('koop-agol');
var gist = require('koop-gist');
var path = require('path');
var gpt = require('koop-gpt');
var app = express();
var server;


// register koop providers
jgravois commented 8 years ago

i'm not much of a DBA, but i know Postgres doesn't allow outside connections without additional configuration. have you done that?

if you haven't, even if you're on the same machine, using a fully qualified domain name (hogeweg.esri.com) as opposed to localhost might be a problem.

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

changed that, but no difference. I'm a little bit of a dba (20 years ago that is) and connecting to a database without providing any credentials is not good practice...

chelm commented 8 years ago

@mhogeweg will you try moving this line koop.register(koopPg); to before the rest of the calls to "register"? Registering the caches should be the first thing you do on the koop object.

It may also be worth sharing a gist of your entire server.js file.

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

here's a gist

chelm commented 8 years ago

@mhogeweg any reason why you're not using the registerCache method here instead? https://gist.github.com/mhogeweg/43391f37791c2edb84b4#file-server-js-L20

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

doh! totally missed that line. after switching to use that I see it tries to connect to the database, but using my windows account. my database is not setup for that:

Could not connect to the database: password authentication failed for user "..."

can I provide a database username/password somewhere?

chelm commented 8 years ago

@mhogeweg Cool! At least we have progress. You can send user/pw info like so


mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

ok! it connected and created 1 table. then after that the following error:

info: CREATE TABLE "koopinfo" (id varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY, info JSON)
info: CREATE TABLE "kooptimers" (id varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY, expires varchar(25))
D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app\node_modules\koop-pgcache\index.js:754
              callback('Failed to create table ' + name)
TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app\node_modules\koop-pgcache\index.js:754:15
    at null.callback (D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app\node_modules\koop-pgcache\index.js:724:11)
    at Query.handleError (D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app\node_modules\koop-pgcache\node_modules\pg\lib\query.js:106:17)
    at null.<anonymous> (D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app\node_modules\koop-pgcache\node_modules\pg\lib\client.js:171:26)
    at emit (events.js:107:17)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app\node_modules\koop-pgcache\node_modules\pg\lib\connection.js:109:12)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:107:17)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:163:16)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:126:10)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:538:20)

npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.3.9600
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "start"
npm ERR! node v0.12.3
npm ERR! npm  v2.9.1
npm ERR! koop-sample-app@1.0.3 start: `node server.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the koop-sample-app@1.0.3 start script 'node server.js'.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the koop-sample-app package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     node server.js
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls koop-sample-app
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app\npm-debug.log

D:\My Documents\GitHub\koop-sample-app>
mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

it appears the type JSON does not exist in my postgres. manually running the CREATE TABLE statement for koopinfo fails.

chelm commented 8 years ago

Ahh, im guessing maybe the version in older? Trying upgrading? Or in the DB maybe try: create extension json;

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

installed postgres 9.4, updated config, then restarted the app. koopinfo and kooptimers have been created. then when registering the source I get:

jgravois commented 8 years ago

when registering the socrata provider in particular, i encountered the same thing (see my comment above).

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

and I also get this when registering my Junar and Geoportal Server sources

chelm commented 8 years ago

@jgravois cool so the question becomes what is are socrata and others doing that is different than ckan. My guess is that ckan is doing the something very very simple inside its model's register method

mhogeweg commented 8 years ago

figured out what's different. in the ckan register method the lines commented out below are not there. After commenting them in my geoportal server provider I was able to register a geoportal server and the corresponding table was created in the database. Applied the same change to my Junar and Socrata providers and also successfully registered an instance for those.

  geoportalServer.register = function (id, host, callback) {
    var type = 'geoportalServer:services';
    koop.Cache.db.serviceCount(type, function (error, count) {
      //if (error) {
      //  return callback(error, null);
      id = id || count++;
      koop.Cache.db.serviceRegister(type, {'id': id, 'host': host}, function (err, success) {
        callback(err, id);