koopjs / koop-app-example

A Koop express application example with some common providers.
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Geometry Does Not Exist #29

Closed Clenera closed 8 years ago

Clenera commented 8 years ago

Got the following error when trying to load the URL in the sample-app:

"Failed to create table Github:benbalter/dc-wifi-social/bars:0 error:error: type \"geometry\" does not exist"

ungoldman commented 8 years ago

This may be an issue with the Github provider. https://github.com/koopjs/koop-github

jgravois commented 8 years ago

the github provider was behaving correctly when i logged #26 the other day, but i can repro (with koop 2.8.5).

i'm on a different machine now, but i even tried reverting back to use koop 2.7.2 (which i was pointing at then) and i can repro with that version too.

ungoldman commented 8 years ago

If you're using koop-pgcache and postgres, this may be because the PostGIS extension was not successfully added.

@Clenera @jgravois did you remember to create the PostGIS extension for the database you're working with? (instructions here: https://github.com/koopjs/koop-sample-app#instructions, reproduced below).

$ createdb koopdev
$ psql koopdev

koopdev=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
koopdev=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
koopdev=# CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
koopdev=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder;

geometry is (if I recall correctly) a column added by PostGIS.

jgravois commented 8 years ago

looking at my database now, it definitely already has the postgis extension enabled (not sure what the benefit of the other three are), but since i can no longer repoduce the error, i'm just going to say 'nate was right'

ungoldman commented 8 years ago

I've just published alpha versions of koop-gist 2.0.0 and koop-github 2.0.0 that should resolve a fair number of issues. Once they're stable I'll add them to the sample app (which is in need of a rewrite as well).

ungoldman commented 8 years ago

I've updated the sample app and tested it locally. Everything is working fine as far as I can tell. There have been significant updates to koop-github, koop, and koop-pgcache which should hopefully catch any edge cases.

@Clenera please try cloning the latest version of this repo and ensuring your local PostgreSQL koopdev table has the PostGIS extension installed (https://github.com/koopjs/koop-sample-app#instructions).