koopjs / koop-provider-elasticsearch

A provider for koop that can connect to one or more elastic search instances and turn indices/aliases into individual feature services.
Apache License 2.0
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polygon service has point renderer #85

Closed AndrewGriffinGIT closed 2 weeks ago

AndrewGriffinGIT commented 1 month ago

Not sure why I cant get polygons to render. In es how should i set the mapping, geo_shape or shape. For value to insert should it be string wkt?

"geometry": "POLYGON ((-95.62829707113862 29.99388366204915, -95.62853292235582 29.994088598628586, -95.62853598596803 29.994126824084642, -95.62836662022042 29.994282742975376, -95.62828537578142 29.994223282183523, -95.62810862399301 29.994053385238534, -95.62811578108486 29.9940470115642, -95.62829707113862 29.99388366204915))"

} }

    "geometry": {
      "type": "shape"

  "indices": {
    "polyService": {
      "index": "hcad2",
      "geometryField": "geometry",
      "geometryType": "Polygon",
      "reversePolygons": false,
      "returnFields": [
      "dateFields": [],
      "subLayers": [],
      "maxResults": 1000
dhatcher commented 2 weeks ago

There was no support for WKT geometries within the provider. This is fixed as of today in version 3.7.1