koopjs / koop-provider-marklogic

A Koop Provider that can be used to exposed data in MarkLogic via Esri feature services
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KoopProvider service is returning all features despite the geometry passed in with request #153

Closed gduplantier closed 1 year ago

gduplantier commented 5 years ago

ESRI splits the map screen into sections, or "tiles" and submits requests to the feature server for the specific geometry of each tile. In this case our features are polygons. The KoopProvider MarkLogic service is returning all the features despite the geometry of the tiles. The issue appears to be after line 536 in KoopProvider.sjs. I resolved it by adding the following code. It appears to only occur for polygons.

if(layerModel.geometryType == "Polygon") { geoQuery = regionQuery; } else { geoQuery = cts.orQuery([ pointQuery, regionQuery ]); //AGD }

jkerr5 commented 1 year ago

This shouldn't be an issue as implemented in the geo data services backend now.