koopjs / koop-provider-marklogic

A Koop Provider that can be used to exposed data in MarkLogic via Esri feature services
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Improve error handling #164

Closed mfgumban closed 1 year ago

mfgumban commented 4 years ago


Sample Error:

koop          | /app/node_modules/marklogic/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:61
koop          |         fn = function () { throw arg; };
koop          |                            ^
koop          |
koop          | TypeError: Cannot read property 'errorResponse' of undefined
koop          |     at /app/src/koop/query.js:23:33

Code in line 23: reject(new Error(error.body.errorResponse.message)); needs to be modified to inspect error.body first, then make an appropriate action.

rjrudin commented 1 year ago

OBE, the line of code this refers to no longer exists.