koopjs / koop-provider-marklogic

A Koop Provider that can be used to exposed data in MarkLogic via Esri feature services
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DEVEXP-223 Got most of the JUnit tests passing #185

Closed rjrudin closed 1 year ago

rjrudin commented 1 year ago

I had to ignore two tests in ServiceDescriptorArrayTest; going to get those un-ignored later when I can get some debugging help.

I removed UnauthorizedTest, as that depended on some Gradle config in test/build.gradle that no longer works (that config was expecting to modify some Koop config files that no longer exist). I believe the intent of this test will be captured by DEVEXP-222, when the tests under "tests" are converted into JUnit tests.

Extracted the contrib info from README and made a CONTRIBUTING guide for running the tests.