koopjs / koop-socrata

Socrata provider for Koop.
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Please add README! #2

Closed soichih closed 9 years ago

soichih commented 9 years ago

I can't seem to figure out how to use this..

I'd like to consume data like this

http://socratadata.iot.in.gov/resource/ktyc-iiu7.json (List of Indiana's MethLab..)

I've installed koop-socrata and tried to guess what the URL should be

http://soichi.grid.iu.edu:49163/socrata/socratadata.iot.in.gov/f7f2-ggz5/FeatureServer/0 .. but that didn't work.

Can you show me how to translate above URL to koop-socrata URL?

chelm commented 9 years ago

Wonderful question. How about I add a readme and use it to answer your question :)

chelm commented 9 years ago

@soichih all set. Tell me what you think. And if it needs more info let me know or make a PR!

The basic answer to your question is that you'll need to "register" the Socrata instance with Koop by making a POST to /socrata.

I've done it here: http://koop.dc.esri.com/socrata

And then you can access data like http://koop.dc.esri.com/socrata/indiana/ktyc-iiu7

chelm commented 9 years ago

Cool data: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?url=http://koop.dc.esri.com/socrata/indiana/ktyc-iiu7/FeatureServer/0

soichih commented 9 years ago

Thanks! I was able to follow the README and register my data provider, and finally able to expose FeatureSerivce on the data once. When I reloaded the page, koop crashed due to similar issue I've reported here > https://github.com/chelm/koop-gist/issues/3

I will open another (bit more detailed) issue on node-koop project just for a record.

chelm commented 9 years ago

@soichih 1. awesome and 2. oh no! I worry that this is an issue with SQLLite adapter. Have you tried using PostGIS?

I am wrapping up a fairly large refactor to every existing provider and some core pieces of koop. Its my plant that starting tomorrow I'll be looking at this issue and refactoring some of the Cache peices that will effect this.

soichih commented 9 years ago

I just opened this one > https://github.com/Esri/koop/issues/86 You can close the koop-gist#3 since I don't think this is gist specific issue.

I am seeing this issue on both sqlite and postgis (I am currently testing it on postgis).

Thank you for looking into this issue!