koopjs / koop-socrata

Socrata provider for Koop.
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Multiple Location Column Designator not Working #44

Closed pholleran closed 8 years ago

pholleran commented 8 years ago

When working with a dataset with multiple location columns (https://data.detroitmi.gov/Property-Parcels/BSEED-Permits-Issued/n7kb-xdcs) the syntax /socrata/provider/socrataId!columnName no longer appears to work.


Calling Path: /socrata/detroitmi/n7kb-xdcs!site_location creates the following log in Node:

info: CREATE TABLE "Socrata:n7kb-xdcs:0" (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,feature JSON,geom Geometry(POINT, 4326),geohash varchar(10))
debug: Updating info Socrata:n7kb-xdcs:0 processing
info: Processing: https://data.detroitmi.gov/resource/n7kb-xdcs.json?$order=:id&$limit=50000&$offset=1
error: insert partial ERROR error: relation "Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location:0" does not exist, Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location
error: Failed while inserting a page of Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location:0. error: relation "Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location:0" does not exist
error: Could not get info of Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location:0 Key Not Found Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location:0
debug: Updating info Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location:0 undefined
info: Finished paging Socrata:n7kb-xdcs!site_location:0
express deprecated res.send(body, status): Use res.status(status).send(body) instead node_modules/koop-socrata/controller/index.js:28:13

Table written to PostGIS is Socrata:n7kb-xdcs:0

ungoldman commented 8 years ago

The latest release (1.0.0) should resolve this.